Encouragement by Date
Great and Hidden Things

Great and Hidden Things

One of the books I remember reading as a young adult was titled, “The Search for the Atocha.” It was written by Dr. Eugene Lyon. This thrilling account told of the hunt by Mel Fisher and his crew for a ship called the Atocha that was laden with treasure and that sank...

Slaying Anxiety

Slaying Anxiety

Life in 2023 is difficult. The impact of isolation and the numerous life-adjustments brought about by the recent Pandemic remain poorly understood. Economic realities are causing hardships and despair for many. Political divisions driven by media outlets that champion...

God’s Timing

God’s Timing

Not long ago I was sitting in what I call my prayer chair. This faces a window through which I can look out onto a small, green, forested area and contemplate life. That morning I was thinking about a prayer request that I have been faithfully bringing before the Lord...

Worn Weapons

Worn Weapons

If you’ve watched any interviews with Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the frontlines, you may have noticed something about their weapons. It’s often the case that their firearms are worn down to the bare metal in several places. The example above illustrates this to...

Seasons of Growth

Seasons of Growth

Fresh fruit available in western supermarkets can be delicious. And yet, fruit that’s been picked early and shipped to markets cannot compare with fruit ripened on the tree and picked a few moments before it’s enjoyed. While living overseas for years, our family...

The Wisdom of Being Ready

The Wisdom of Being Ready

Last week’s article was titled, Will Your Family Have Food? In it, we shared lessons-learned by those severely impacted by the conflict in Sudan that began unexpectedly on the 15th of last month. Many people, perhaps most, had almost no food or water after just three...

Knowing God

Knowing God

On Christmas day 2021 Nasa launched what’s known as the JWST telescope. This amazing piece of technology has allowed scientists to view and to photograph farther out in space than ever before. Many of the scientists who work on this project are motivated to find life...

Life in the Word

Life in the Word

In 1982 my wife and I moved from New England to Florida. Soon after the move we decided to start attending a church. I’m not sure exactly why this was the case. Perhaps it was because we knew no one and were somewhat lonely. A pastor at the Church asked if we’d like...

Take Heart and Trust in God

Take Heart and Trust in God

Life these days can be discouraging. This is especially the case as one watches news reports or reads headlines. For example, it was reported this morning that the President of the United States has vowed that he will ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines...

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